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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000188easycwmpQuestionpublic2017-01-27 15:56
Reporterpoori401 Assigned Tomohamed.kallel  
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
Summary0000188: Need info about config update.
DescriptionHi Team,

The question is as follows

My CWMP binary relies on my configuration, i.e if some configuration is made then my CWMP binary gets notified.

Lets say my configuration be as follows
a = {}
b = {some value} /* if there is a change in this object CWMP get notified */
c = {some value} /* if there is a change in this object CWMP get notified */
d = {}

So far so good, say I have downloaded some configuration, let the downloaded configuration be as follows
a = {}
b = {new value}
c = {new value}
d = {}

If I apply the new configuration, CWMP binary will get notified. Some how handling update on object c is casuing some erraneous behavior to apply object d.

So my question is
1. Should I not handle the update on objects c and d, till the whole configuration is saved.
2. OR should I handle the updates explicitly.

Does ammendment mention any of the above case or is it just implementation specific.
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2016-12-10 11:58

administrator   ~0000603

your question is not clear, could you explain with real example from your config.

EasyCwmp will detect any value change of parameters with notif = 2 or 1. And it does not make any update on the config upon get notified. So it does not cause any error on your config

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-12-09 07:37 poori401 New Issue
2016-12-10 11:58 mohamed.kallel Note Added: 0000603
2017-01-27 15:56 mohamed.kallel Status new => resolved
2017-01-27 15:56 mohamed.kallel Resolution open => no change required
2017-01-27 15:56 mohamed.kallel Assigned To => mohamed.kallel