View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000432easycwmpQuestionpublic2021-10-12 19:39
Reportervladisalomon Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Platformeasycwmp 1.8.6 VirtualBox X86_64OSOpenWrtOS Versionv19.07.8
Summary0000432: I can make GenieACS communicate with CPE
DescriptionI have built an OpenWrt + easycwmp image and create a VirtualBox VM.
It communicate well with my GenieACS and I can see periodic inform messages flowing.
But anytime I try to establish connection from GenieACS to CPE I get an error "FFFFFF-easycwmp-FFFFFF123456: Invalid connection request URL or protocol"

I think the issue is because my ConnectionRequestURL is empty
easycwmp get value returns:
 { "parameter": "Device.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestURL", "value": "" }

same happen in GenieACS UI.

I can't figure it out how/when to set this value.
I have tried using easycwmp command line

root@OpenWrt:/usr/bin# easycwmp set value Device.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestURL "http:\/\/\/"
root@OpenWrt:/usr/bin# easycwmp apply value
{ "parameter": "Device.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestURL", "fault_code": "9008" }
root@OpenWrt:/usr/bin# easycwmp set Device.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestURL "http:\/\/\/"
root@OpenWrt:/usr/bin# easycwmp apply
{ "parameter": "Device.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestURL", "fault_code": "9008" }

reading others issues I understood "fault_code": "9008" means I'm trying to set a read only parameter, but I'm not sure.
I also checked "/etc/device_info" and "/etc/config/easycwmp", but I can't figured it out where to set it.

can it be the root cause of my problem or should I look somewhere else?
could you help me to understand where/how/when to set this parameter?
Additional Informationroot@OpenWrt:/usr/bin# cat /etc/config/easycwmp
# easycwmp uci configuration

config local
    option enable '1'
    option interface eth0
    option port 7547
    option ubus_socket /var/run/ubus.sock
    option date_format %FT%T%z
    option username easycwmp
    option password easycwmp
    option provisioning_code ''
#basic authentication = 'Basic', Digest authentication = 'Digest', Default value = 'Digest'
    option authentication 'Digest'
#Logging levels: Critic=0, Warning=1, Notice=2, Info=3, Debug=4
    option logging_level '4'

config acs
    option scheme 'http'
    option url
    option username admin
    option password admin
    option parameter_key ''
    option periodic_enable '1'
    option periodic_interval '100'
    option periodic_time '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'

config device
    option manufacturer easycwmp
    option oui FFFFFF
    option product_class easycwmp
    option serial_number FFFFFF123457
    option hardware_version example_hw_version
    option software_version example_sw_version
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2021-09-07 18:45

reporter   ~0001031

Sorry, issue summary should says "I CAN'T make GenieACS communicate with CPE".


2021-10-12 19:39

administrator   ~0001034

You need to put the right value of interface in the easycwmp config:

option interface eth0

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-09-04 01:06 vladisalomon New Issue
2021-09-04 01:06 vladisalomon Tag Attached: set
2021-09-07 18:45 vladisalomon Note Added: 0001031
2021-10-12 19:39 mohamed.kallel Note Added: 0001034