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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000165easycwmpHelppublic2023-01-06 05:37
Reportermuna116 Assigned Tomohamed.kallel  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
PlatformLinuxOSUbuntuOS Version14.04
Summary0000165: How deploy a Complete TR-069 Client-Server Environment
DescriptionI'm new to CWMP environment. After a couple of days reading I've reached to a point that we need an "ACS Server", "TR-069 Client" and "TR-069 Enabled CPE" (in our case it's Android STB).

Do I really need TR-069 Client OR TR-069 Enabled CPE will act as client?

Can I get an idea how much hardware and what specs I would need for the complete deployment. For ACS I'm planning to use "FreeACS", for TR-069 Client "EasyCWMP" or to enable our STB (for TR-135 standard).
Steps To ReproducePlease help me.
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2016-10-11 19:02

reporter   ~0000552

I might have asked the repeating question, so apologize for that and please give me the reference ticket number where this question has already answered. Thanks.


2016-10-11 19:28

administrator   ~0000553

You need ACS server (Like genieACS or freeACS)
And you need EasyCwmp (TR-069 client) implemented in your STB. That's all.

And you need only one ACS server and what ever the number of STB. You can implement the EasyCwmp open source in unlimited number of STB.

For the TR-135, it is not implemented in the free version of EasyCwmp, you can follow the parameters already implemented (in script shell) in order to implement your own parameters. It's easy and funny!


2016-10-11 19:45

reporter   ~0000554

Thanks Mohamed.

So, to implement it for STB, what do we need? Is there any free limited trial edition to setup a DEMO/TEST environment?


2016-10-12 13:14

administrator   ~0000555

To implement it, you just need to follow the manual in the install page of

The free version contains some parameters of the TR-181 data model. And they are sufficient in order to make your first evaluation and tests.

For the commercial version it contains:
- Data Model TR-181 in C
- Stun fature
- XMPP feature

And also we provide service to implement more parameters.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-10-11 18:44 muna116 New Issue
2016-10-11 19:02 muna116 Note Added: 0000552
2016-10-11 19:28 mohamed.kallel Note Added: 0000553
2016-10-11 19:45 muna116 Note Added: 0000554
2016-10-12 13:14 mohamed.kallel Note Added: 0000555
2017-01-27 16:14 mohamed.kallel Status new => resolved
2017-01-27 16:14 mohamed.kallel Resolution open => no change required
2017-01-27 16:14 mohamed.kallel Assigned To => mohamed.kallel