View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000444easycwmpHelppublic2022-09-08 16:46
ReporterErnesto Rodriguez Vizoso Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0000444: Error in the compilation as integrated and as a package
DescriptionError in the compilation as integrated and executing:
make menuconfig (selecting the package with * ) and make

Failed to compile as package and running:
make menuconfig (select the package as M) and make package/easycwmp/compile
Steps To ReproduceThis is everything from when you command to compile make to the error.

vizoso@vizoso-dynabook-Satellite-Pro-L50-G-132:~/openwrt$ make
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/afuse/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libfuse', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/afuse/Makefile' has a dependency on 'fuse-utils', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/aircrack-ng/Makefile' has a dependency on 'usbutils', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/apache/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnghttp2', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/apache/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/apcupsd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/telephony/asterisk/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/avrdude/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/backuppc/Makefile' has a dependency on 'iputils-ping', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/bind/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnghttp2', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/bind/Makefile' has a build dependency on 'nghttp2', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/boinc/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/btrfs-progs/Makefile' has a dependency on 'liblzo', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/clamav/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/clamav/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/collectd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/collectd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/collectd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/collectd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/collectd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/collectd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/conntrack-tools/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnetfilter-cttimeout', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/conntrack-tools/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnetfilter-cthelper', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/conntrack-tools/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnetfilter-queue', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/conntrack-tools/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnetfilter-cttimeout', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/conntrack-tools/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnetfilter-cthelper', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/conntrack-tools/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnetfilter-queue', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/czmq/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/davfs2/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libfuse', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ddns-scripts/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ddns-scripts/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ddns-scripts/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ddns-scripts/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ddns-scripts/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ddns-scripts/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ddns-scripts/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/digitemp/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/domoticz/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/easycwmp-openwrt-1.8.6/easycwmp/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libmicroxml', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/easycwmp-openwrt-1.8.6/easycwmp/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/easycwmp-openwrt-1.8.6/easycwmp/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/elektra/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/eoip/Makefile' has a dependency on 'liblzo', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/esniper/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/etherwake-nfqueue/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnetfilter-queue', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/forked-daapd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/freeradius3/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/telephony/freeswitch/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/fwknop/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnetfilter-queue', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/gammu/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/git/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/gnunet-fuse/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libfuse', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/gnupg/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/gnupg2/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/hcxtools/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/hs20/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/https-dns-proxy/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/hub-ctrl/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/icecast/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/idevicerestore/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ipfs-http-client/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ipfs-http-client/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/telephony/kamailio/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/telephony/kamailio/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/telephony/kamailio/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/telephony/kamailio/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/knot-resolver/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnghttp2', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/lcd4linux/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/lcd4linux/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/lcdproc/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/leech/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/libftdi/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/libgphoto2/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/libgphoto2/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/libmariadb/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/libmariadb/Makefile' has a build dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/libnpupnp/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/libulfius/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/libulfius/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/linknx/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/luarocks/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/mocp/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/mpd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/mpd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/mpd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/routing/naywatch/Makefile' has a dependency on 'owipcalc', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/netifyd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/netopeer2/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/node/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnghttp2', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ntfs-3g/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libfuse', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/nut/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/open-vm-tools/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libfuse', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/openocd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/openwisp-config/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/openwisp-config/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/openwisp-config/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/openwisp-config/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/owfs/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libfuse', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/owfs/Makefile' has a dependency on 'fuse-utils', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/owfs/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/pdns/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/pdns/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/perl-device-usb/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/perl-www-curl/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/php7/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/php7-pecl-http/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/php8/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/python-curl/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/rclone/Makefile' has a dependency on 'fuse-utils', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/rtorrent/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/rtorrent/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/seafile-server/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libfuse', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/serdisplib/Makefile' has a build dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/shairport-sync/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libconfig', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/shairport-sync/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libconfig', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/shairport-sync/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libconfig', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/sispmctl/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/snort/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnghttp2', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/squashfs-tools/Makefile' has a dependency on 'liblzo', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/squashfs-tools/Makefile' has a dependency on 'liblzo', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/sslh/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libconfig', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/strongswan/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/syslog-ng/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/tinc/Makefile' has a dependency on 'liblzo', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/tinc/Makefile' has a build dependency on 'lzo', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/transmission/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/transmission/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/transmission/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/travelmate/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/uacme/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ulogd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnetfilter-log', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ulogd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnetfilter-log', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ulogd/Makefile' has a build dependency on 'libnetfilter-log', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/umurmur/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libconfig', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/umurmur/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libconfig', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/unbound/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnghttp2', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/wg-installer/Makefile' has a dependency on 'owipcalc', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/wg-installer/Makefile' has a dependency on 'owipcalc', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/wg-installer/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/xmlrpc-c/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ykclient/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ykclient/Makefile' has a build dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ykpers/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/yubico-pam/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
time: target/linux/prereq#0.33#0.02#0.35
 make[1] world
 make[2] target/compile
 make[3] -C target/linux compile
 make[2] buildinfo
 make[3] diffconfig buildversion feedsversion
 make[2] package/cleanup
 make[2] package/compile
 make[3] -C package/libs/libjson-c host-compile
 make[3] -C package/libs/libubox host-compile
 make[3] -C package/system/opkg host-compile
 make[3] -C package/libs/toolchain compile
 make[3] -C package/libs/libjson-c compile
 make[3] -C package/utils/lua compile
 make[3] -C package/libs/libubox compile
 make[3] -C package/system/ubus compile
 make[3] -C package/system/uci compile
 make[3] -C package/easycwmp-openwrt-1.8.6/easycwmp compile
    ERROR: package/easycwmp-openwrt-1.8.6/easycwmp failed to build.
make -r world: build failed. Please re-run make with -j1 V=s or V=sc for a higher verbosity level to see what's going on
make: *** [/home/vizoso/openwrt/include/ world] Error 1

This is everything from when you command to compile the package to the error.

vizoso@vizoso-dynabook-Satellite-Pro-L50-G-132:~/openwrt$ make package/easycwmp/compile
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/afuse/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libfuse', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/afuse/Makefile' has a dependency on 'fuse-utils', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/aircrack-ng/Makefile' has a dependency on 'usbutils', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/apache/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnghttp2', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/apache/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/apcupsd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/telephony/asterisk/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/avrdude/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/backuppc/Makefile' has a dependency on 'iputils-ping', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/bind/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnghttp2', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/bind/Makefile' has a build dependency on 'nghttp2', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/boinc/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/btrfs-progs/Makefile' has a dependency on 'liblzo', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/clamav/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/clamav/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/collectd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/collectd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/collectd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/collectd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/collectd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/collectd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/conntrack-tools/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnetfilter-cttimeout', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/conntrack-tools/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnetfilter-cthelper', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/conntrack-tools/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnetfilter-queue', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/conntrack-tools/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnetfilter-cttimeout', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/conntrack-tools/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnetfilter-cthelper', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/conntrack-tools/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnetfilter-queue', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/czmq/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/davfs2/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libfuse', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ddns-scripts/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ddns-scripts/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ddns-scripts/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ddns-scripts/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ddns-scripts/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ddns-scripts/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ddns-scripts/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/digitemp/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/domoticz/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/easycwmp-openwrt-1.8.6/easycwmp/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libmicroxml', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/easycwmp-openwrt-1.8.6/easycwmp/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/easycwmp-openwrt-1.8.6/easycwmp/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/elektra/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/eoip/Makefile' has a dependency on 'liblzo', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/esniper/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/etherwake-nfqueue/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnetfilter-queue', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/forked-daapd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/freeradius3/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/telephony/freeswitch/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/fwknop/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnetfilter-queue', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/gammu/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/git/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/gnunet-fuse/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libfuse', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/gnupg/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/gnupg2/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/hcxtools/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/hs20/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/https-dns-proxy/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/hub-ctrl/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/icecast/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/idevicerestore/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ipfs-http-client/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ipfs-http-client/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/telephony/kamailio/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/telephony/kamailio/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/telephony/kamailio/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/telephony/kamailio/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/knot-resolver/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnghttp2', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/lcd4linux/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/lcd4linux/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/lcdproc/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/leech/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/libftdi/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/libgphoto2/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/libgphoto2/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/libmariadb/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/libmariadb/Makefile' has a build dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/libnpupnp/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/libulfius/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/libulfius/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/linknx/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/luarocks/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/mocp/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/mpd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/mpd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/mpd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/routing/naywatch/Makefile' has a dependency on 'owipcalc', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/netifyd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/netopeer2/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/node/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnghttp2', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ntfs-3g/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libfuse', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/nut/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/open-vm-tools/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libfuse', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/openocd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/openwisp-config/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/openwisp-config/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/openwisp-config/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/openwisp-config/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/owfs/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libfuse', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/owfs/Makefile' has a dependency on 'fuse-utils', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/owfs/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/pdns/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/pdns/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/perl-device-usb/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/perl-www-curl/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/php7/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/php7-pecl-http/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/php8/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/python-curl/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/rclone/Makefile' has a dependency on 'fuse-utils', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/rtorrent/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/rtorrent/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/seafile-server/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libfuse', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/serdisplib/Makefile' has a build dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/shairport-sync/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libconfig', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/shairport-sync/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libconfig', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/shairport-sync/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libconfig', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/sispmctl/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libusb-compat', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/snort/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnghttp2', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/squashfs-tools/Makefile' has a dependency on 'liblzo', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/squashfs-tools/Makefile' has a dependency on 'liblzo', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/sslh/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libconfig', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/strongswan/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/syslog-ng/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/tinc/Makefile' has a dependency on 'liblzo', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/tinc/Makefile' has a build dependency on 'lzo', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/transmission/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/transmission/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/transmission/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/travelmate/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/uacme/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ulogd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnetfilter-log', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ulogd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnetfilter-log', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ulogd/Makefile' has a build dependency on 'libnetfilter-log', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/umurmur/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libconfig', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/umurmur/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libconfig', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/unbound/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnghttp2', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/wg-installer/Makefile' has a dependency on 'owipcalc', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/wg-installer/Makefile' has a dependency on 'owipcalc', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/wg-installer/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/xmlrpc-c/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcurl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ykclient/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ykclient/Makefile' has a build dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ykpers/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/yubico-pam/Makefile' has a dependency on 'curl', which does not exist
 make[1] package/easycwmp/compile
 make[2] -C package/libs/toolchain compile
 make[2] -C package/libs/libjson-c compile
 make[2] -C package/utils/lua compile
 make[2] -C package/libs/libubox compile
 make[2] -C package/system/ubus compile
 make[2] -C package/system/uci compile
 make[2] -C package/easycwmp-openwrt-1.8.6/easycwmp compile
    ERROR: package/easycwmp-openwrt-1.8.6/easycwmp failed to build.
make -r package/easycwmp/compile: build failed. Please re-run make with -j1 V=s or V=sc for a higher verbosity level to see what's going on
make: *** [/home/vizoso/openwrt/include/ package/easycwmp/compile] Error 1
Additional InformationIn the box above is placed what the terminal shows after executing the commands make and make package/easycwmp/compile
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-09-08 16:46 Ernesto Rodriguez Vizoso New Issue
2022-09-08 16:46 Ernesto Rodriguez Vizoso Tag Attached: Openwrt